Mool Mission and Core Values
Mool Sustainability Research and Training Center builds integrated, regenerative, peaceful and just lifestyles, communities and societies.
Mool Sustainability Research and Training Center (or, simply, Mool) inspires and enables youth to build local resource-based, environment-friendly, and regenerative lifestyles. Mool enables people to lead participatory and inclusive socio-economic transformation for a healthy and prosperous society by exploring sustainable ways of living.
Following are the core values that have emerged from our participatory research work with youth so far:
Character, courage and competence
Before going outward, focus inward and do self analysis and personal development work to inculcate values, attitudes, behaviours and personalities desired for success.
Dignity and trust
Build a society based on dignity and trust where each individual and each community is treated – and it’s life and interests are protected – in the best possible manner, not less than anybody else’s.
Equality, truth and justice
Build communities based on justice and equality without any discrimination – including discrimination based on gender, religion, socio-economic differences (for example of class, caste, ethnicity or region) and ideological or political orientation.
Freedom and responsibility
Build a society where we act of our own free will, individually as well as collectively, with responsibility toward other individuals and the collective.
Inclusivity and participation
Build inclusive and participatory communities; building a conscientious society with transparent and accountable decision-making.
Individual, family and community wellbeing
Build a society where creative potential of the individual and the collective is realized for their contentment, prosperity and happiness.
Coexistence and collaboration
Live in harmony with natural processes and trace constructive relationships to enhance mutual understanding and collaborative learning for progress of all people, communities and neighbourhoods.
Self-determination, self-sufficiency and sustainability
Build communities where all can realize their potential and rely on their own resources to meet their needs, and develop individual and collective lifestyles to achieve economic, social and ecological sustainability.
[1] Mool is Kashmiri for root or roots.